Personality is the reflection of our inner mind. It is essential to develop an impressive personality that will enhance the quality of learning and educating oneself. Personality development lesson needs to start from students’ life. The solution to improving a student’s personality is making certain changes in your external as well internal environment including specific performance patterns to strengthen fine personality traits and take away or lessen negative behaviour traits. These changes will touch upon many aspects of a student such as communication skills, body language, clothing, and self-confidence etc.
There are some tips, if a student follows those from childhood, he/ she can make a good personality.
Study Your Own self:
Self study is most important to grow one’s personality because during study one can understand his capability. Knowing your talents as well as shortcomings will give you an insight into problem areas that are hindering with the process of personality development. Don’t listen others but do self criticism. That will help to grow personality. See how it works in improving your image amongst peer group and your teacher, guide or mentor. You should also seek hidden skills and talents that you are good at. Polish such positive points to shine bright in your class and among friends.
Great Communication Skill:
If you want to grow your communication skill them must read book loudly and practice pronunciation by yourselves in front of the mirror. How you talk that will describe how you are. Because of lack of words, if you can’t express your selves in front of others then no one understand you. To grow communication skill read news paper and also participate all group discussions, debate etc. It does not necessarily mean that you have to talking all the time! But yes, students can impress their faculty as well as future interviewers effectively by to-the-point discussions and informative replies.
Body Language Shown Your Personality:
It is not just our tongue that talks. Our body also says out a loud. People around you get unique signals about your attitude by observing your body language. So, say it out impressively through your body’s postures. Keep a habit of holding your head high, shoulders pulled back. Do not drag your feet while walking, rather, pick up your feet and take more confident steps. Control your body from swaying too much. Most importantly, don’t forget to wear a smile as it can make you look pleasant.
Be a Patient Listener:
Listen to what the other person is saying and try to fathom what do the words intend to mean. We usually listen, just to listen. This means we are not attentive to the thoughts being expressed by the person. Give everyone their importance by listening intently and then responding by voicing out your opinion. This is especially important for the image building process you are working upon for your personality.
Personality can be polished not in a day, but very gradually. Search for your shortcomings and try to work on them. Put in these simple efforts and you will find you are being liked and appreciated much more.
How to Stay Motivated During Exam Season
Exams are always making a stress but if a student is fully prepared then he/she don’t need to feel stress. But now question is how one can prepare him/her self so that he/she can feel confident before exam.
Some tips are given below. Those tips are for staying motivated during the stressful exam period to achieve the outcome you want.
Group Study:
Self motivation is always important, no one is bigger than who can motivate own self but nothing is more motivating than another person. If you have good friend circle then try to study in a group so that you can understand where you need to improve yourselves. Studying with a friend or a group of people can greatly increase your drive both before and during your exams. Study buddies can also teach you new ways to achieve your goals and cement your learning. Set a target everyday with your friends and must achieve it before ending the day.
Study Break:
Need a short break when you are studying continuously. Study break has turned into a euphemism for procrastinating and distractions. That being said, a well-planned out study break does not have to lead to procrastination. Periodically schedule breaks for short amounts of time in between your studying. Stick to your schedule. Not a minute more Take time to exercise! Exercising not only works out your body—it will also stimulate your brain, making your study session far more effective. Read a book or an interesting article in a magazine unrelated to your test material.
Think Positively:
Positive thinking people always win the race. If something is distracting to think positively then collect motivational quotes and read them repeatedly. Write down your strengths on cards to look at whenever you need a positive boost.
Take care of yourself:
Eat well and move often. Try to do some exercise so that you can feel relax and can study hard after that. Also feed your body nutrient high foods like vegetables and protein to keep your body and brain in peak condition.
Reward Yourself
No good deed should go unrewarded. Sometimes the best motivation is the reward you give yourself. In the lead up to your exams use small incentives like free time, visits to friends or an hour with a non-study book to keep yourself motivated. And when your exams are done make sure you give yourself an appropriate reward, something equal to your feeling of achievement. Big or small rewards will help you motivate yourself to achieve the outcome you want.
If you follow those steps it’s obvious that you can motivate yourself and get good result in exam.
How distance learning courses helps students for career growth?
Distance learning is a good option for career growth but it should be from a reputed Institutions. Presently the greater part of the foundation gives web lecturing facility so that a student can gathered knowledge from home itself and this will make you capable in better understanding of your institutes distance education course material in absence of any teacher.
Now, a professional study is very important for everyone. People have many options to grow their knowledge. Online courses are available in Internet for every subject. You don’t have to spend lots of money to learn something. Many free of cost courses are available now in Internet. And anyone can obtain every academic degree online with minimum amount of cost.
Vidyamandir Classes, one of the best coaching classes for IIT JEE, Medical preparation in Kolkata also offers this Distance Learning Programme . VMC one of the premier Coaching Classes for IIT JEE gives its student the most effective and scientifically designed exam centric study materials. So that students can take online courses and make themselves prepare for IIT JEE exams.
For most of students today, schools cost implies that it's important to keep working while in school. Beforehand said adaptability of online courses empower students to continue working while additionally seeking after scholarly certifications. These are just a few of the many advantages of taking online classes. Students in online course are able to manage their time, learn the materials that are presented, and complete assignments on their own schedules.
If you want to take admission at VMC for IIT JEE preparation and want to avail Distance Learning Programme then need to appear NAT 2018 exam which will be held on 13th and 27th October 2018.
You just need internet connection in your system so that you can access the browser and can improve your skill through distance learning courses.
Distance learning courses are always helpful for everyone.
To know more about Vidyamandir Classes visit
How to Prepare for IIT JEE Exam
IIT JEE exam is just knocking the door. You don’t have enough time in your hand. Now have to prepare hard to crack IIT JEE 2019. Some tips are given below to prepare you for IIT JEE.
Time Management: First and foremost step to prepare you for any examination is Time Management. Always remember – “You need to work smarter in addition to working hard”. There is a difference between sitting with a book 18 hours a day and actually studying 18 hours a day. And you don’t want to sit with a book 18 hours a day you need to put your time to good use as it is limited. Managing your time over the next 2 years / or 1 year is the most crucial thing that you need to focus on. Not only this, you also need to manage your time during the 3 hours of your actual JEE Main / Advanced exam.
Follow a Scheduled and Make a Plan: Planning your day will set the fact in your brain that you have X number of tasks to complete and thereby you will waste much less time. Always remember you have to utilize every bit of time you have got. Check your dates and make an organized plan for your upcoming preparations which is going to save a lot of time of yours, Eliminate the wastage of time from your schedule like watching movies, sticking to your phone for a long time etc. And you will see that you are gaining control over your time easily.
Know Your Syllabus and Exam Pattern: The JEE Main and Advanced Syllabus is vast and in order to get a very good rank you must make sure that you go through all the 3 subjects and have almost equal command over all of them. You should study all the important topics first and then solve ample problems in order to gain mastery over them. Certain topics in the JEE Main & Advanced syllabus has more weightage over others, so laying more stress on these important topics will help you score more marks in the actual exam and thus fetching you a top rank! The tough topics obviously have more weightage so without any concession you ought to study them properly. Also, this would let you divide your time well in advance among the various subjects.
Coaching Classes : Coaching classes are a crucial part of your JEE Preparation. Having crystal clear concepts will always help you in scoring high and getting that extra edge over others in the exam. If you are looking for a Coaching Classes then Look no further, Vidyamandir Classes (VMC) is here, one of the best coaching classes for IIT JEE, Medical preparation in Kolkata. VMC has one of the best track records and its students crack All India Ranking (AIR) every time.
Self Study: No matter how many coaching classes you join or how many more study materials / books you buy, you have to spend time studying these materials and lecture notes. Self-study is one of the most important aspects of your IIT JEE preparation.
After you have finished studying for the day, spend 10 – 15 minutes thinking what you have achieved during the entire day. If you follow these steps then you can easily crack IIT JEE exam.
Set SMART goals to get ahead in your career
It may be an idea to set some realistic career goals, specific aspirations designed for you, that you want to strive towards achieving. So that way, even if you aren’t doing something entirely productive just right now, then you can boast about your exciting career goals that scream “I have a PLAN!!”
Setting a career goal is about deciding where you want to head in your career, and noting the steps needed to reach that point.
The first thing to think about when setting career goals is your time frame. Begin with smaller short term goals that will help you achieve your long-term goal. What would you like to achieve and by when where would you like to be in one year? In five years?
Second thing, what experiences will help you achieve? What activities, positions or projects you can embark on to increase your experience in areas that will work towards you reaching your overall goal.
Third thing, what are you really interested in, what do you love doing? And what are you good at? The ideal career for us all is doing something we love everyday! Doing something you love won’t feel like a drag. What interests and skills would you like to use in your career? Possibly using your people skills to your advantage.
Now you are ready to set your goals
A popular acronym can help you write effective goals. Try the SMART system for your career goal.
Specific – Aim for a specific, concrete area for your goal or steps. For example, “make ten job search calls following up on my LinkedIn connections” vs. “make some networking connections.”
Measurable – To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as: how much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?
Attainable – Goals are most attainable when steps are thought out clearly and allow enough time. How do you intend to accomplish your goal? Which actions follow on other actions? Is the goal realistic given where you’re starting from? It should be a challenge, but also achievable.
Relevant – A relevant goal is one that really matters to you and to the end result. Is it worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does your goal relate to other efforts or timelines? Does it require resources that are currently available?
Timely – A goal should be grounded within a defined time period, both for clarity and to give your action urgency. When do you want to begin? When do you want to complete each step?
Coaching Classes – It’s Just a Trend or Need?
Students’ life is the best time when you can learn so many unknown and interesting facts. But this time is sensitive too as they need proper guidance and interest on their subject. So, for the right guidance, you should need to join the coaching classes.
There are lots of advantages to join a coaching class.
Get a Right Direction:
Coaching classes provide students right direction as class 9 to class 12 students need to prepare for board exams, competitive exams, entrance exams etc. In coaching classes, a student can get career guidance and also can get right goals as per their interest and academic record. Coaching classes are much helpful for a student to set career path.
Know New Learning Style:
Coaching Classes develop different learning techniques for a different type of students that helps students in understanding their subjects well. Where in school, all students in the same class get to learn the concepts in the same pattern; here in coaching classes the learning pattern can be developed after doing an analysis of how a student adapts the concepts. When a student gets to learn in their own specific way, their understanding and grip on subject develop quickly and hence, they show improved results.
How to Manage Time:
Class 9 to Class 12 students need to schedule their day with the main focus on academics because these are the most important classes of their academic life. The coaching classes are helpful in disciplining the students by helping in fixing their daily routine. Students generally, in their free time after school, play games, watch movies or use social media which lead to wastage of their time. It is essential for students to engage in extra-curricular or refreshing activities to relax their mind after school, but if students engage in non-academic activities for more than necessary time than it will affect their studies. And with coaching classes, students can get enough time for refreshment as well as they can focus on their studies in the coaching classes.
So if you want to make your child’s future bright and want to see him/her as a successful Engineer or Doctor then get admission your child at Vidyamandir Classes.
Time Management in Examination Hall
It’s a common problem for each and every problem in the examination hall that how to complete the whole question paper with in the given time. And we saw that students got panic to think like this and made some silly mistake. So here is given some tips that how you manage your time in examination hall.
- Attempt easy question first: It is the easiest process to complete whole paper with in time that to attempt easiest question first. So that you can manage some extra time for difficult or long questions. You also run the risk of not returning to questions that you’ve skipped.
- Answer the question depends on marks: After you have answered easiest question then focus your time on the questions that are worth the most points. It makes more sense to spend 10 minutes on 1 question worth 20 points than to spend 10 minutes on 10 questions worth only 1 point each.
- See the time on your clock: Before entering the examination hall check your wrist watch that it showing the correct time. After giving some answer just see on the watch that how much time still left.
- Don’t rush yourself: You’ve studied, you’ve practiced and you’ve read through the test, you’ve budgeted your time and there is no reason to rush yourself. You might be feeling a little anxious or want to hurry up and get the test over with, but time management is about pacing yourself. So, pace yourself. Don’t rush.
- Take a breath or two: After you complete a section, give yourself a few seconds to pause and breathe before you move on. This helps you pace yourself, allows you to make sure that you’re managing your time effectively, and helps you mentally move from one task to another.
- Get admission your child at Vidyamandir Classes to make his/her future bright
- Stay calm and prepare for JEE with Vidyamandir Classes
The pressure of class 12 students is high as the board exams are just around the corner. Career planning starts from now onwards and the tension does not seem to sweep away from students' lives. The best Engineering, management and medical institute of the country, all look into the best of the JEE scores for admission.
However, hold it there are ways to make yourself calm and prepare for these exams peacefully. Vidyamandir Classes make the candidates appearing for these entrance exams be fully prepared and confident. Appearing for these public exams is a nerve-wracking one. Confidence and a calm state of mind while appearing for these exams is a must.
Why Vidyamandir Classes?
Before you make a move to search out for a coaching institute that prepares students for Joint entrance exams, think about Vidyamandir Classes. Our class schedule structure has been designed in a way that there is a flexibility to join the classes. Having both regular and distance classes.
Thorough counselling with parents, doubts session classes, faculties professional in teaching and keeping candidates on track with the classes in case missed, are some of the best reasons why Vidyamandir Classes is the best option for you.
Would you benefit from it?
Vidyamandir Classes has been recognized as one of the best JEE coaching institutes in Kolkata, where regular classes and distance learning program is available.
• Our classes are conducted by a faculty who are professional in the field of teaching the subjects for the exam.
• Extra classes are conducted by academic experts. No compromise in time ensures students achieve better results.
• We prepare students not only for the JEE and other public exams, but as well as the board exams.
• During the course, we explain and teach the students of time management.
• Classes are held in small groups to ensure personal attention.
• Learning through discussion and providing comprehensive plus integrated study material.
So why wait to search for more new coaching institute, when Vidyamandir Classes covers up all your requirements when going to give your public exams. Visit us and drop us down a comment what more would you like to learn from us. Take the right path from Vidyamandir Classes.
Accomplish your medical exam achievement from Vidyamandir Classes
Providing Comprehensive and Integrated Study Material
Learning through Discussions
Testing & Assessment System based in National Level bench marking
For Botany & Zoology, separate Biology team has been conceptualised
Limited Batch size with personal attention to each student
For admission visit us at
Is Distance Learning better than Regular Classroom Course
Since the advent of the internet, there has been a constant debate whether Distance learning is better or Regular Classroom Session. Some prefer for Distance learning or online learning system better than Regular Classroom Session as it offers flexibility to the students to study. They can study at their own pace and spend more time to learn more about those concepts where they find it difficult to grasp and learn about it. This method of education also saves time and money of the students as distance learning is a form of education where the teacher and students are separated by a space.
Whereas Regular Classroom Course nurtures the students progress to be a better one. Here students are present physically in front of the teacher. This is a primary advantage of Regular Classroom Course because students get to learn directly from the experts, able to share their views and clarify queries with the teacher, thus getting the questions answered right away.
Regular Classrooms also allows the teachers to understand their students in a better manner. This ensures that the teacher get to know more about the student's strengths and weakness, act as mentors as well as guide them in their career.
A good learning system might be a combination of both regular classroom and distance learning system. That is why Vidyamandir Classes recognised as one of the best Engineering Coaching Institute offers students both Regular Class Course and Distance learning course. Both of the classes are conducted by a team of highly experienced faculty who guides and nurture the students.
We are acknowledged as one of the best Engineering coaching institutes because of our achievements. 2637 Vidyamandir Classes students have qualified for the JEE Advance Exams of 2019, ranking 30th position in top 500 AIR and 53rd position in top 1000 AIR.
From this achievement of ours, you should start enrolling your name at us for a better engineering career at
Study Smarter, Not Harder – Tips from Vidyamandir Classes
Better results mean more choice and opportunity. So pick up a few new study tips, and prove your outstanding ability in your assignments and exams!
- Don’t miss a class: Students never miss a class. They also never miss the beginning or end of a class, because important announcements about exams and projects are often made then.
- Review your notes quickly and often: After a lecture or class, read through your notes quickly again. It helps store the information in your long-term memory.
- Organise your notes visually: It helps to re-write the key points of a class or subject as a diagram – try using a mind-map or flow chart, or colour coding key elements of the topic. Then you can give it a quick glance before you go into an exam.
- Plan ahead: Make sure you allow enough time for assignments and exam revision. At the beginning of each term, note down due dates and exam dates on a planner, and schedule in time for research, editing and final review.
- Explain things to others: It helps you get things clearer in your head if you try to explain your answers verbally to people who do not know much about the subject. Your parents and annoying siblings could be useful for this!
- Stay positive: It all comes down to attitude. Be enthusiastic about your subjects, and use positive affirmations to tell yourself that you will succeed and meet your goals.
- Trust your instincts: If you’re under pressure in an exam, don’t second-guess yourself. In most cases, the first answer you think of will be the right one. If you’re really not sure, make a note of it and move on – you can always come back later if you have time.
- Feed your brain and stay healthy: Eat well. Good brain food includes fish, nuts, blueberries and yoghurt. Get enough sleep, and plan in some active time to keep fit. Oxygen also helps your memory and concentration, so take a break and get some fresh air. Many people have their best ideas away from their desk, so if you’re really stuck for words just get outside and run around the park.
Have you got any other tried-and-tested study techniques? Share them with us here!
VMC – Best IIT JEE Medical Coaching Classes in Kolkata
Looking for Coaching classes in Kolkata that will help you crack IIT JEE at one go? Look no further, Vidyamandir Classes (VMC) is here, one of the best coaching classes for IIT JEE,
Medical preparation in Kolkata.
Since most of the students know that these exams are tough as well as highly competitive to achieve a high score, Vidyamandir Classes is giving certain tips to students to score well for this JEE Main.
1. Leave all the tensions behind and spruce up your self-belief so that it would strengthen your mind in this critical period.
2. Prepare a proper routine that you would be following on the days of JEE Mains. Start waking up early in the morning and give at least 8 hours of time to study for the JEE Mains with regular ten minutes of break after every 1 hour and 30 minutes. This would ensure your body and mind gets turned into this pattern and be well focused on the exams.
3. Give a proper thorough reading to all the topics that have been taught to you in the last two years as much as you can as it is an effective way of learning. Focus more on application based questions because most of the JEE Main questions are application based ones.
4. At this time it is best to focus to improve in those topics where you are well prepared and have proper knowledge rather than trying to improve on your weak areas.
5. The exam is held during the summer season, so relax, remain focused, wear light clothes and avoid being nervous as it can decrease your performance in the exam.
6. Before attempting the paper, it is advisable to read all the instructions carefully written in the question paper as no invigilator would instruct you about the examination rules and patterns.
7. Always start your exams with those subjects where you are well prepared with. So that you can avoid wasting time and focus later in those subjects where you are weak at.
With all of these tips provided to the students, we wish them the best of luck and pass the exams with high scores. To know more about our curriculum and teaching pattern, simply visit us at
5 Reasons to choose Vidyamandir Classes Kolkata
Are you looking to join IITJEE Coaching? Vidyamandir Classes in Kolkata
For the students of IITJEE Preparation, Vidyamandir classes holds special importance. The coaching institute is widely regarded as one of the experienced institutes for IIT coaching. It began its journey to provide coaching for engineering entrance exams like JEE, among other state level exams.
Choosing the right institute for coaching plays a major role in deciding your future. Due to this, it gets essential to make an informed decision. There are many reasons to choose vidyamandir classes but few most important points are listed below:
Excellent faculty:
First and foremost, the highlighting factor is the team of dedicated teachers. The institution has a team of dedicated staff who hold expertise in what they do. They have years of experience and ability to train the students for any challenges that come their way. Apart from them, the other faculty profiles are also exceptional in their subjects. Hence, at Vidyamandir Classes each student gets the best education that ensures greater results.
Study material is the toughest:
There are lots of institutions available to the students but what makes VMC stand out is the quality they deliver. Their quality and efforts can also be seen through the material they provide. They provide special notes and assignments to each student. These notes not only cover all the basics but also have the most advanced questions. It gives a competitive touch to the students and derives their results towards the higher end. Not only that, the frequent tests are also quite tough. They test the inherent knowledge of the students, and their performance determines how far along they are in the preparation.
Flexible and suitable batches:
VMC offers plenty of batches, varying as per the timings. It ensures that each student can opt for the one that suits their schedule. The batches here are divided on the basis of the performance of students in the tests or JEE if they have appeared for it. This way the students get to study with the students that match their pace and face no difficulty in coping with the pressure.
Overall assistance for the students:
The students who once enroll in VMC Kolkata receives all sorts of assistance and help. They provide a special faculty, that is solely focused on clearing doubts of the students. This faculty holds greater knowledge and are adept at handling the queries and questions of students at any given time. The students can approach them as and when they need help. It proves to be beneficial for students to excel in the subject.
The moment you enter VMC, you feel the ambiance of dedication and excellence. From the top directors to faculty members, each person strives to provide and deliver excellence. Revision classes are held after each month, to brush up the topics again. The students who study in VMC Kolkata receive the best facilities since their enrolment. Owing to it, the academy boasts of a high success rate as well.