Exams are always making a stress but if a student is fully prepared then he/she don’t need to feel stress. But now question is how one can prepare him/her self so that he/she can feel confident before exam.
Some tips are given below. Those tips are for staying motivated during the stressful exam period to achieve the outcome you want.
Group Study:
Self motivation is always important, no one is bigger than who can motivate own self but nothing is more motivating than another person. If you have good friend circle then try to study in a group so that you can understand where you need to improve yourselves. Studying with a friend or a group of people can greatly increase your drive both before and during your exams. Study buddies can also teach you new ways to achieve your goals and cement your learning. Set a target everyday with your friends and must achieve it before ending the day.
Study Break:
Need a short break when you are studying continuously. Study break has turned into a euphemism for procrastinating and distractions. That being said, a well-planned out study break does not have to lead to procrastination. Periodically schedule breaks for short amounts of time in between your studying. Stick to your schedule. Not a minute more Take time to exercise! Exercising not only works out your body — it will also stimulate your brain, making your study session far more effective. Read a book or an interesting article in a magazine unrelated to your test material.
Think Positively:
Positive thinking people always win the race. If something is distracting to think positively then collect motivational quotes and read them repeatedly. Write down your strengths on cards to look at whenever you need a positive boost.
Take care of yourself:
Eat well and move often. Try to do some exercise so that you can feel relax and can study hard after that. Also feed your body nutrient high foods like vegetables and protein to keep your body and brain in peak condition.
Reward Yourself
No good deed should go unrewarded. Sometimes the best motivation is the reward you give yourself. In the lead up to your exams use small incentives like free time, visits to friends or an hour with a non-study book to keep yourself motivated. And when your exams are done make sure you give yourself an appropriate reward, something equal to your feeling of achievement. Big or small rewards will help you motivate yourself to achieve the outcome you want.
If you follow those steps it’s obvious that you can motivate yourself and get good result in exam.